Discover Your Next Steps!
Next Steps is a recurring class that begins on the first Sunday in the second month of every quarter. This class gives us a chance to get to know each other better and identify where you best fit at Grace Church. These classes are the fastest way to get plugged in at Grace and the on-ramp to start volunteering on one of our many teams!
Our next semester begins on Sunday, February 2nd!
Step One
You will hear the Grace Church story and find out what we are all about. We will share our mission and some of our core values.
Step Two
The Bible reminds us that loving God is the first and greatest commandment. We will learn what the Bible says about loving God and how Grace Church can support you in your own relationship with God.
Step Three
The second commandment, to love people, is closely connected to the first commandment. We will explore what it means to love others.
Step Four
We could never accomplish all that we are doing at Grace Church without people just like you. Our serve teams are full of people who believe in the vision and mission of the church and are looking to make a difference!